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Lease vs buy: the 5 things to consider

For your fleet

When it comes to business vehicles, which is better? Own or Lease?

It’s an important business decision. Whether you need one or one hundred vehicles to run your business, it’s worth taking a moment to evaluate what is the best option.

The five factors to consider

A common mistake is to focus solely on a vehicle’s price tag, however, purchase price is different to whole-of-life cost. If you own the asset, you’ll also own the financial burden, cashflow pressures, limited flexibility, and the risk of not getting what you expected at resale.

To truly consider what’s right for you and your business, your best option can be measured on five significant fronts:

  1. Cost
  2. Cashflow
  3. Risk
  4. Convenience
  5. Flexibility


Businesses that lease enjoy cost advantages, greater flexibility, valuable cashflow certainty, less exposure to risk, and knowing exactly where you stand at the end of the lease term.

Better still, if you partner with SG Fleet, you can take advantage of volume discounts on vehicle prices and all running costs, strategic planning and improvement advice, dedicated fleet administration, professional maintenance oversight, and much more.

Have you got better things to do with your time and money?

Lease v buy whitepaper

Before you walk into that showroom make sure you are clear on the benefits of leasing v ownership.

Download our free Lease v Ownership paper to learn more.

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